I almost punched a hole in the universe yesterday. Amazon was actively fighting me as I was trying to upload a cover to create a proof...

On Fire in 2020
I've made the joke multiple times that The Writers of 2020 are beyond insanity. A pack of lunatics hopped up on all the drugs possible...

Battles of an Indie Book
So I was scrolling through Twitter earlier and came across a poll by Duncan Ralston here. Basically it asked "what most prevents an indie...

That Cosmic Horror Life
So, I'm about a third done on the writing in a new book. I love genre-bending, and this time I'm smashing together folk horror and cosmic...

Summer in 2020
Well, the world is still burning. Somehow, since the end of March when quarantine began, I've managed to write a 72,000 word novel and...

It's been another year filled with more fantastic releases from the horror community. 2019 saw far more novellas, and I read enough to...

Favorite 20 Horror Movies of the Last 20 Years
As we roll into 2020, there have been a lot of lists on the internet and YouTube proclaiming the so-called “best” horror movies of the...

I have a new book now available called CELESTIAL SEEPAGE. It’s a short novel of cosmic horror put out by Glenn Rolfe at Alien Agenda...

The 7Q Interview: John Quick
AUTHOR BIO If you ask his wife, John Quick is compelled to tell stories because he’s full of baloney. He prefers to think he simply has...

The 7Q Interview: Sawney Hatton
AUTHOR BIO Sawney Hatton is an author, editor, and screenwriter. His published credits include the Dark Comedy novel Dead Size, the YA...