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WiHM Spotlight: Theresa Braun

Theresa Braun was born in St. Paul, Minnesota and has carried some of that hardiness with her to South Florida where she currently resides. She has an M.A. in English literature and has been teaching for over twenty years. Traveling, ghost hunting, and all things dark are her passions. Her work appears in The Horror Zine, Sirens Call, and Hardened Hearts, among others.Her novel Fountain Deadwill be released later this year by Unnerving Magazine. Follow her on Twitter: @tbraun_author.

Author Photo

FOUNTAIN DEAD is the latest from Theresa Braun, available in both ebook and paperback from Unnerving.

Mark is uprooted from his home and high school in the Twin Cities and forced to move with his family into a Victorian in Nowhere-ville. Busy with the relocation and fitting in, Mark’s parents don’t see what’s unfolding around them—the way rooms and left behind objects seem alive with a haunted past. Of course, Mark keeps his ghostly encounters to himself, all the while sinking deeper into the house's dark, alluring, and ultimately terrifying history. As romantic entanglements intensify, the paranormal activity escalates. Past and present come together. Everything is connected—from the bricks in the walls to the hearts beating in their chests, all the secrets of Fountain Dead are finally unearthed.

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