The 7Q Interview: Brian Barr
Brian Barr is the author of the 3 H’s Trilogy, the Carolina Daemonic series, and the Nihon Cyberpunk collection. He co-created and co-writes the Empress comic book series with Chuck Amadori, which features art by Sullivan Suad and Zilson Costa, colored by Geraldo Filho and Matheus Bronca. He has written other novels and short stories. His work can be found on Amazon and ComiXology.
#1. Looking back, what’s one fiction book that you feel truly made an impact on your writing? Do you still gravitate towards that author?
#1. Dostoyevsky’s The Brother’s Karamozov got me into multiple characterization with strong psychological elements, which is a strong aspect in many of my books. I still gravitate towards him though I haven’t read him in years. He’ll always be an influence.
#2. How do you feel about the use of sub-genres in the industry? How do you describe your work overall?
#2. I like the use of multiple genres. I also like the freedom a lot of authors have in writing whatever they like to write. I’m sure there are people who get themselves into a rut as only writing one genre, but I also see authors who don’t restrict themselves. That’s what I like. Overall, my work is multi-genre and explores various themes.
#3. What about your writing process do you think is unique or quirky? What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever received?
#3. I have a free-flow style of writing. I jot down lots of notes and get a lot of ideas but I don’t restrict myself to outlines. I don’t think that’s unique or quirky, but it works for me. The quirkiest part of my writing is just the lack of limitation in genre and themes. I always want to be a diverse author and I don’t want to get locked down in any specific writing subculture.
#4. How does music and media factor into your writing? Do you feel it plays as much an inspirational role as literature?
#4. It’s a huge factor in my writing. I wrote the Metal Magic series, which is themed around metal, punk, and glam rock. My story The Hell, from my 3 H’s Trilogy, stars a black goth heroine who is a fan of a lot of my favorite bands: Sisters of Mercy, Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, etc. I even named her Susie after Siouxsie. A huge part of my Carolina Daemonic series are these insidious Babylonian flutes, which are powered by astrological magic and play dissonant notes when played. Many of my stories will have scenes where music is playing somewhere.
Music plays a huge inspirational role. My favorite musician is Prince. I usually like musicians who are eclectic with a lot of creative drive, and that influences me in my writing as well.
#5. As an author, how much do you engage in social media? Do you feel it is more for your own entertainment, or for marketing and networking?
#5. I use Facebook often. I also use Twitter and Instagram, though not as much as I should. It’s great for entertainment, marketing, and networking equally. I mainly like how it connects creative people with one another, writers, readers, lovers of art and music, etc.
#6. Where do you see the future of horror fiction heading? In turn, what changes would you love to see, either socially or technologically?
#6. When it comes to horror fiction and fiction in general, people will keep creating and connecting with one another.
Technologically speaking, due to the internet, I’ve been able to connect with a Japanese artist, Satoaki Amatatsu, who I’ve enjoyed working with along with Brazilian artists like Sullivan Suad, Zilson Costa, and many others. It’s a fantastic bridge around the world for like-minded people.
I don’t have any changes I can think of at this time. The less changes, the better actually. I just hope we can continue to have a free and fair internet where we can continue to connect to other artists and writers in various countries. The same goes for marketing and getting our work out there- as an independent creator, it’s important to have that freedom to share our art without greed-based hassles.
#7. What can you tell us about any forthcoming projects? What titles would you like to promote now?
#7. Check out my 3 H’s Trilogy, which consists of the stories The Head, The House, and The Hell. Read my first Carolina Daemonic novel, Confederate Shadows, and the short story collection for the series, Carolina Daemonomaniac I. You can find my Empress comic that I co-write with Chuck Amadori on ComiXology.
The 3 H’s Trilogy:
Carolina Daemonic: