Upcoming Projects
So I have multiple projects at various stages of development right now. According to the indomitable Pete Kahle at Bloodshot Books, my cosmic horror/UF novel BLEED AWAY THE SKY will be out this fall. My cosmic/lovecraftian horror collection YOUR ARMS AROUND ENTROPY is currently in the hands of a publisher, so fingers crossed. I've finished my short cosmic horror/UF novel, and I've decided to write a follow up novella to package it with... might self-pubbed it, might track down a publisher. The next novel is already lined up. Finally, I've been doing The 7Q Interview series right here with some of the most talented names in the horror industry.
That all said, I'm also working on some visual art stuff. Gathering up all my original horror art from the past decade and looking into selling prints on Etsy. I'm thinking like 11x14-ish at maybe $20 a piece. There will be 8 original images created by me. To give you an idea, here's a sample of one of my pieces below...