The 7Q Interview: Ellie Douglas
Ellie Douglas is a mother to four and resides in in New Zealand, is half Greek and half New Zealander. She loves life and loves being able to give a reader something they haven’t read before. She loves to challenge herself and is always striving to be better. She’s a summer girl and a hater of winter. She is passionate about horror and loves movies of all genres. Her family is everything to her. She is a huge The Walking Dead fan! Ellie is also a professional cover artist, specializing in pre made book covers. She also developed a slot game for android and apple.
#1. Looking back, what’s one fiction book that you feel truly made an impact on your writing? Do you still gravitate towards that author?
#1. Misery by Stephen King. I believe I’ll forever gravitate towards the king of horror.
#2. How do you feel about the use of sub-genres in the industry? How do you describe your work overall?
#2. I’m all for sub-genres and I use them myself. I’d describe my work as being gory, frightening, gruesome, freakishly horrific and a mix of horror, thriller, comedy.
#3. What about your writing process do you think is unique or quirky? What’s the worst writing advice you’ve ever received?
#3. My writing process would be that I do not plot, nor plan, if I get an idea I just run with it. The worst advice I ever received was to write in other genres; non-horror things. My ears burned for weeks with that blasphemy.
#4. How does music and media factor into your writing? Do you feel it plays as much an inspirational role as literature?
#4. Music doesn’t really play a role in my writing at all. In saying that, some times when the mood strikes it can be just as inspirational as literature.
#5. As an author, how much do you engage in social media? Do you feel it is more for your own entertainment, or for marketing and networking?
#5. I engage every day, multiple times a day in social media and it is never for myself. I’m all about supporting other authors. I get a lot of enjoyment out of helping others out.
#6. Where do you see the future of horror fiction heading? In turn, what changes would you love to see, either socially or technologically?
#6. I see it taking off and growing rapidly. I’d love to see more high-end publishers who specialize in horror. I’d also like to see more promotional services that deal only in horror. There does not seem to be enough of either.
#7. What can you tell us about any forthcoming projects? What titles would you like to promote now?
#7. The Dead Wake Anthology
Hounded series
The Dead Undone