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The 7Q Evolution

A little over a year ago, I began doing The 7Q Interview here on my blog. It started for a number of reason, to better interact with the horror lit community and to give exposure to those I felt were getting passed by. I made it a point to offer interviews to horror authors that were women, POC, and LGBTQ+, along with those who perhaps were just starting out, didn’t have a great deal of exposure, or maybe hadn’t had a book out in a while.

In 14 months, I did my best to do four authors every month. It didn’t always work out, but I did manage to interview forty-nine. Forty-nine in just over a year.

Recently I went to Scares that Care, and got to meet some amazing authors in person. It was an incredible experience, one that made me rethink The 7Q Interview and the entire process. My interview was static, a standard set of questions that made it impossible to revisit authors I had interviewed in the past. There were still authors I wanted to work with using the 7Q, but I wanted to do more. So I came up with system of three different methods to work with other authors.

SPOTLIGHTLifted from what I did back in Women in Horror Month, this will be done approximately once a month to highlight an author and their work. It will simply feature a bio, photo, social media links, book cover, and book summary. Just something simple to help promotion.

7Q INTERVIEWThe original interview with seven (fourteen, if we’re being technical) pre-set questions arranged once a month with a horror author. Questions filled out, author photo, whatever links. It will likely now come out once to twice a month.

EXCHANGEA new twenty question interview tailored specifically for each chosen horror author, with author photo, book photos, whatever links. Many of these authors will be chosen from those who have already participated in the 7Q Interviews. It will likely come out every two months.

I’m excited by these changes and I hope everyone continues to enjoy the posts.

Please, if you haven’t had a chance, I invite you to go back and look through the past interviews. All of them are individually linked! More are coming are coming soon.

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